Process | SLA - Stereo lithography |
SLA is the most common RPT technique, and produces acrylic and epoxy parts. Almost unlimited geometry possibilities, fine geometric details and high accuracy (tolerances lie between 0.05% to 0.2%). SLA is less suited for heavy parts.
The required geometry is produced in thin layers (0.1-0.25 mm). A CNC-controlled laser beam cures a pattern in the surface of a fluid photosensitive polymer. The hardened layer is then stepwise lowered allowing the fluid to cover the part. Typical applications are prototypes of injected moulded plastic parts and modelling of human bones and skulls. Maximum dimensions are about 500 * 500 * 500 mm. |
Danish Name
Stereo litografi (lagvis laserhærdning af fotopolymer) |
Joining processes, rapid prototyping |
Typical products
Skull, model Plate for ski rod Bottled ship, model Keybord Handle Cylinder head Briefcase handle Headset, wireless telecommunication |
Competing processes
SGC - Solid ground curing |
References |
Danish Technological Institute, Centre for Product Development Damvig LEGO Futura |
Price notes
Normal price for parts as small as a match-box is about 2000 DKK. |
RPT Rapid prototyping Additive manufacturing Free form |
Thomas Nissen (Computer graphics) |
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