Material | PP - polypropylene |
PP is an inexpensive, ductile, low strength material with reasonable outdoor performance. The material surface is soft wax-like and scratches easily.
Stiffness and strenght are often improved using reinforcement of glass, chalk or talc. The colour is opaque and white, but it can be dyed in many colours. In many ways, PP is similar to HDPE, but it is stiffer and melts at 165-170 C. PP can be manufactured by all the methods used for thermoplastics. |
Danish Name
PP - polypropylen |
Plastics, Thermoplastics |
Childrens toy bin Transport box Fuel tank Honey pot Suitcase Garbage bin Chair for IC3 train Rope Shaver, rechargeable Monkey, toy figure Air intake |
Plastic moulding Plastic injection moulding Extrusion Film blowing Blow moulding |
Similar materials
K.D. Feddersen & Co. |
Low cost plastic (see also Plastics general overview) |
Environmen- tal notes
Creation: Production of 1 kg of PP requires the equivalent of about 1 3/4 kg of oil (raw material and energy). Use: PP catches fire and burns easily, releasing smokes. Additives can reduce its inflammability. Disposal: Incineration is straightforward and comparable to oil, since PP only consists of hydrogen and carbon atoms. In an incineration plant only water and carbon dioxide are produced. Heating value is equivalent to 3/4 kg of oil. |
Additional Info
PP has exceptional resistance to water, moisture, acid, bases and some solvents. |
Thomas Nissen (Computer graphics) |
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