Process Matrix injection - RTM
Matrix injection, also called resin transfer moulding, produces strong fibre reinforced parts of thermosetting plastics with smooth surfaces on both sides.

Mats of reinforcement material are placed in a mould which is then closed. Plastic is injected into the mould. After hardening the finished part can be removed from the mould.

The process is used where advanced geometry is required, and for car parts. The cycle time per part is medium, and small to medium series can be produced.
Danish Name Matrixinjicering
Category Mass conserving processes, Shaping plastics
Materials Most used:
Glass reinforced resins
Aramid reinforced epoxy
Carbon reinforced epoxy
Typical products Car bonnet
Soda stream pressure container
References Risų, Department of Material Research
EM-fiberglas A/S
Jupiter Plast A/S
Techno Fiber
Price notes Compared to injection moulding the cost of the production equipment is relatively low since injection is carried out at moderate pressure and temperature.
Environmen- tal notes Working environment problems in handling epoxies is minimised thanks to the use of injection into a closed mould.
Photo Thomas Nissen (Computer graphics)
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