Process | Autoclave moulding |
The process takes place in an autoclave, where it is possible to create pressure and heat at the same time. Layers of pre-impregnated fibres (prepreg) are piled with varying fibre orientation, to form the desired thickness above the forming tool. The prepreg is pressed down to the forming tool by pressure. Following heating hardens the matrix and the laminate gets the desired shape. The process is very versatile and gives a very uniform quality, as pressure and heat can be regulated very precisely. Any geometry can be produced. On the other hand, it is very costly and time requiring. |
Danish Name
Autoklavestøbning |
Mass conserving processes, Shaping plastics |
Carbon reinforced epoxy Carbon reinforced PEEK Possible: Glass reinforced UP Glass reinforced phenol |
Typical products
Aircraft wing Bicycle frame High-tech race car |
References |
Risø, Department of Material Research |
Price notes
Tooling cost are low, but the processing equipment are expensive and cycle times are high. |
Additional info
This process is used within aircraft and high-texchnology industries, as well as for development and research of new materials. Size of the series: small to medium. |
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