Process Chromium & Hard-chromium plating
Chromium-plating (Cr) is used for decoration and aesthetic reasons, in order to achieve a shining surface. Typical uses are for bicycles, motorcycles, toilet fittings, etc. Coating thickness varies between 0,25 and 1,0 micron.

Hard-chromium plating is used for improving sliding properties, against wear and, in thick layers, corrosion. Its typical use is for hydraulic cylinders and industrial tools. Thickness varies from 10 to 1000 micron.

Both are electrochemical processes, where the object to be coated is connected to the cathode. Coating distribution is irregular mostly if the substrate has sharp angles. Decrease of the fatigue strength because of many microfessures.
Danish Name Forkromming & Hårdforkromming
Category Surface processes, Plating
Materials Substrates:
Cast iron
Typical products Motor valve, metal
Printing cylinder
Shopping basket
Exhaust pipe
References Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Galvanotechnik
Arthur Henniger GmbH
Blasberg Oberflächentechnik GmbH
Galvano Wernigerode GmbH
Selectron Metalpålægning
Price notes Each field in the table below displays two cost figures: The first figure is for chromium plating and the second for hard chromium plating. The cost is calculated for a typical average thickness: 0.5 micron (Cr); 100 micron (hard-Cr).
DKK/part 5 parts 100 5000
Small (1cm2) 84/47 11/7 0.11/0.56
Medium (1dm2) 120/116 25/65 0.92/5.33
Large (100dm2) 336/1384 219/1319 79/526
Price date December 1996
Additional info For hard chromium-plating pricing, bath's time is the most important factor, while for chromium-plating is labour.
Photo Thomas Nissen (Computer graphics)
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